What to Do in Case of an Emergency with a Tesla Powerwall 2

What to Do in Case of an Emergency with a Tesla Powerwall 2

In the event of any threat to health or safety, always begin with these two steps before addressing the other suggestions below:

  1. Immediately contact the fire department or other relevant emergency response team.
  2. Notify all people who might be affected and ensure that they can evacuate the area.
Warning: Only perform the suggested actions below if it is safe to do so.

Turn off your Powerwall

  • Turn off Powerwall, then turn off the AC breaker to Powerwall.
  • Turn off the AC breaker to the Gateway.
  • Acceptable fire extinguisher types are water, CO2, and ABC.
  • Avoid type D (flammable metal) extinguishers.

In case of flooding:

  • Stay out of the water if any part of the battery, Gateway, or wiring is submerged.
  • Turn off Powerwall, then turn off the AC breaker to Powerwall.
  • Turn off the AC breaker to the Gateway.
  • If possible, protect the system by finding and stopping the source of the water, and pumping water away.
  • If any part of the unit was submerged, note the depth and duration of the flooding.
  • Contact Tesla Support to determine if the unit can be safely turned back on.
  • If Tesla Support has confirmed that it is safe to turn the unit back on, let the area dry completely before use.

If there is an unusual smell or smoke:

  • Turn off Powerwall, then turn off the AC breaker to Powerwall.
  • Turn off the AC breaker to the Gateway.
  • Ensure nothing is in contact with Powerwall.
  • Ventilate the room.

If Powerwall is making unusual noises:

  • Turn off Powerwall, then turn off the AC breaker to Powerwall.
  • Turn off the AC breaker to the Gateway.
  • Ensure that nothing is in the vent on either side of Powerwall or in the fan.

If Powerwall is leaking coolant:

  • Turn off Powerwall, then turn off the AC breaker to Powerwall.
  • Turn off the AC breaker to the Gateway.
  • Ventilate the area.
Coolant can be absorbed through the skin and cause damage to internal organs. Ensure that it does not touch or enter any part of the body including, but not limited to, skin, eyes, and mouth.

When cleaning up spilled coolant:

  • Wear safety goggles, rubber gloves, long trousers, a long sleeved shirt, and closed shoes.
  • Avoid further coolant spills by putting a bucket under the leak. Powerwall holds up to 2.3 L (2.4 qt) of coolant.
  • Pour cat litter, sawdust, or other absorbent material on the spill immediately.
  • Allow the material to absorb as much of the coolant as possible.
  • Use paper towels to collect the used absorbent material and discard the soiled paper towels in a sealed plastic bag. Place the sealed plastic bag into the garbage.
  • Clean up anything that remains using soap and warm water.

In all cases, once the situation is stable, contact the Tesla Certified Installer who installed the system.

For first responder information, see tesla.com/firstresponders.