Applying for the Queensland Battery Booster Rebate

Applying for the Queensland Battery Booster Rebate

The Queenslanders Government Battery Booster rebate is a $3,000 rebate (increased to $4,000 for low income applicants) to help homeowners buy and install a home battery energy storage system to use with new or existing rooftop solar systems.

Limited number of QLD Battery Rebates available.

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Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the battery booster rebate you must meet these criteria:

  • Income: The $3,000 rebate is available to eligible Queensland homeowners with a combined household income of less than $180,000. An increased $4,000 rebate is available for households where the highest income earner earned $66,667 or less for the most recently ended financial year.
  • Home Ownership: The applicant must be the owner (with or without a mortgage) of the Queensland residential property where you wish to install the system.
  • Solar System: The home must have an existing solar system of at least 5kW system size, or must be getting a new/upgraded solar system as part of the battery purchase.
  • Battery Brand: The solar battery must be on the approved list of products. All of Arkana’s recommended batteries including Tesla and Sungrow are eligible for the rebate.
  • Approved Installer: You must use an approved installer to install the system. 1KOMMA5° is an approved installer and eligible under this scheme.

If you are not eligible, Arkana may be able to negotiate a discount off our battery systems, please request a quote here.

How It Works

Getting the rebate is a multi-step process and it is essential you follow each step of the process in order, something we will assist you with as part of getting a solar battery from 1KOMMA5°.

Step 1: Get A Quote from 1KOMMA5°

Get a free quote for adding a battery to an existing solar system or for a new solar & battery installation from our team. The quote we give you will meet all quote requirements to be eligible for the rebate.

>> Request a quote here:

Step 2: Apply For Conditional Approval

Before installation occurs you must take the quote from 1KOMMA5° and apply for conditional approval for the rebate in the QRIDA application portal.

>> Access the portal here:

You can login with your existing myGovID or QRIDA login details or register for a new account.

To apply for conditional approval, you will need to provide:

  1. The quote 1KOMMA5° have provided.
  2. Proof of home ownership (rates notice, contract of sale, or building contract)
  3. Evidence of income in the form of notice(s) of assessment from the Australian Tax Office for the most recently ended financial year.

QRIDA will then assess your application and notify you of the outcome.

You can download a PDF guide on how to use the portal here:

Step 3: Installation & Inspection

Once you have received conditional approval for the rebate you can then organise an installation date and time with 1KOMMA5°.

You will have 90-days from the date you receive conditional approval to have your system installed – however there are a limited number of rebates available fro the Queensland government so we recommend scheduling the installation of your battery as soon as possible.

You can see how installation works with Arkana here:

After installation, a Queensland Government appointed inspector will conduct a free safety inspection as part of the requirements of the Battery Booster Rebate scheme. This will take place in the weeks and months after your rebate is approved at a time that is convenient for you – so will not hold up completing the rebate application.

Step 4: Payment In Full

On the day of installation (or prior) your battery (and solar if applicable) system will need to be paid for in full to 1KOMMA5°. Noting that there is no discount applied for the Battery Booster rebate as this is paid to you directly by the Queensland Government after installation as part of the next step.

Arkana will provide an eligible invoice and documentation outlining all of required information for the battery rebate.

Step 5: Rebate Approval & Payment

Once your system has been installed and the invoice has been paid in full to 1KOMMA5°, you will then need to submit your rebate application.

This is done via the QRIDA portal you used for conditional approval earlier.

>> Access the portal here:

You will need to upload the invoice Arkana provided you in the earlier step, along with your proof of home ownership and income evidence that you used to get conditional approval earlier.

Once your application is approved, the $3,000 (or $4,000) rebate will be paid direct into your bank account.

Limited number of QLD Battery Rebates available.

Get a quote

Getting Started

The first step is to arrange a free quote from 1KOMMA5° to see if a battery makes sense for you, review your current or planned solar system and assess your energy usage and bills to give you insights into expected returns and other benefits from adding a battery.

We can then help guide you through the above process, explain how the scheme works and check to see if there are any other Government rebates you may be eligible for.

>> Request a quote here: